Diary of a Survivor

When will the NHS think about patients?

The Paterson case rears its very ugly head again, and again the NHS's neglect of patient care is highlighted in the most horrific circumstances. Surgeon Ian Paterson's treatment of patients with breast cancer was so bad that he has been given a 20-year prison...

We’ve got Christmas back!

Is it just me, or are the Christmas Ads, jingles and jollification toned down this year?  There seem fewer 'Christmassy' themes around; I put this down to the Election. causing people to think about the consumerism that assaults us in the run-up to December 25th. And...

NHS say lessons have been learnt – really?

Here we go again - yet another NHS hospital trust is facing claims of clinical malpractice and a flood of lawsuits. I wish they would bring back Matron, instead of lumbering hospitals with overpaid and seemingly useless Chief Executives.  There are some who really...

Am I being selfish?

Patients have the drive and motivitation to search for the best care, so when we take time to do our research and work out what is causing frightening side effects, why don't doctors listen to us? Admit that we know and understand what is causing problems. Cancer...

Cancer care shame

It's official: Britain has possibly the worst cancer care in Europe The NHS tries to claim it's the "envy of the world", but recent headlines in the media highlighting official cancer survival rates told the real facts. With the problems we face daily, it can't have...

Cannabis, NICE and Arrogance

Recently the media was full of stories saying that medical cannabis was to be available on the NHS to help control pain.  Yet so far it seems only two patients had managed to get a prescription.  Friends have to pay to get this, but why? Interviewing Andrew Lansley...

Simple way to save NHS money

A letter in The Telegraph" A reader in France sent a letter, saying if he needed to see his orthopeadic surgeon, "I would phone the hospital and get an appointment with him and also an X-ray appointment for an hour earlier.  This appointment would be within two to...

BBC shoots itself in the foot!

This week the BBC sends me a threatening letter, telling me I am going to have to pay for my once-free TV Licence next year.  Today, another letter from the BBC enclosing a) my free licence up to 31st May 2020, and b) more threats.  If they are so hard-up, hasn't...

Sons and Fathers

Or how politicians have changed in one Generation In days when politicians listened to those who elected them, and were deemed to have ethics, Jim Prior (member for Lowestoft, Suffolk), said “we have a duty, not only in economic terms, but also in social and moral...

We believe in information – not pity

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