Welcome to After Cancer

Created specifically for cancer survivors, their friends and family, as a resource to use after cancer treatment.

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Our face is seen by the world, so it is normal to worry are we treating it properly? After all, It's what the world sees first. As a Beauty Editor, I learnt how to look after my skinfrom the experts.  This came in useful when I was faced with the side effects of drug undergoing cancer treatment.  I learned these basics  CLEANSE TONE NOURISH HYDRATE N.B. only use clean fingers;  hands pick up...


THERE IS A BENEFIT Years ago, recovering from Polio; we used hospital corridors for wheelchair racing. Us parients got our kicks tearing up and down the corridors in wheelchairs -  annoying Sister on the way - b keeping our spirits up during long months of treatment. Today,  you could not use corridors as race tracks as they are full of trolleys and being used as part of hospital A & E...


The NHS pays over  £12 BILLION a year for private healthcare to reduce waiting lists  The quality of care provided in return for this £12+ billion varies enormously.  With the NHS announcing its App is going to make it easier for patients to book care privately, one wonders if, in some areas, those funding this will receive value for money?. In my own experience, NHS care provided by the private...


Particularly over skincare for cancer survivors Way back in 2009, in the House of Lords Baroness Masham asked government "what assessment they have made of the number of consultant dermatologists in the United Kingdom compared with European level"." Labour was in power, the Minister was Lord Darzi; he responded  "United Kingdom figures are not collected centrally"  (why ever not?).,..... and...


We are used to seeing photos of The Princess of Wales, such as above, showing her offering practical and sensible help where needed.  But talking to a friend working t the pqlace at the Palace, he was raging at how badly the Palace was handling the news about the Royals' cancer treatment.  This was so unlike him, it got me thinking as normally anyone at the Palace is very discreet. However, once...

Knowledge and opinions from eminent, helpful professionals

Check out the diary page – read my direct, straight-talking insight into the world after cancer treatment, drawing on my real-life experiences – which are sometimes bizarre!

Many whom you will meet in a medical capacity can be tight-lipped about problems that may crop up.  They may even try and brush them under the carpet, saying “no-one else has reported this”.  I suspect this is because hospitals often don’t have time or staff to deal with them. I have tried to list as many as I came across, together with solutions that might help you.  Look them up under the categories below.

Having fun after cancer is fundamental – for both body and mind. If you can’t laugh I hope this website can be helpful.

cancer recovery

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What an amazingly informative article, thanks! This is so important and the progress that has been made in awareness, education, treatment and overall respect. Please have a look at the link and join us by adding your comment on the tremendous value of pink ribbon campaigns. Keep up the great work and stay well!! Thanks



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