Welcome to After Cancer

Created specifically for cancer survivors, their friends and family, as a resource to use after cancer treatment.

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Magna Carta was debated and sealed,  possibly on the Runnymede meadows near Windsor (left) in June 1215.  This was the first document to put in writing that the King and his government were not above the law. It was designed to prevent the King from exploiting his power and placed limits on royal authority by establishing law as a power in itself. Fast forward to today, and scandals such as the...


My American friends have had a few caustic comments about the date announced for our Election  - July 4th commemorates their battle for Independence from us.  I wonder if this is when the Great British Public announces their Independence from historical allegiances to the major political parties? Will it be the day when we show our independence, and vote the way that suits US? I  will be...


The King is now getting out and about, turning up at the UCH Macmillan Centre,  looking much healthier and happier.  Hopefully his treatment is working. He has obviously listened to his medical team, who probably told him to ignore family members who aren't supportive, and has taken on board the wisdom of 'tough love. Like many others during treatment, I was advised that I needed support, and to...


USE POLITICS TO GET WHAT YOU NEED Current inhabitants of Whitehall use their offices to feather their nests - so why not follow their example? Long gone are the days when, after a distinguished career, you went into politics to pay something back, and help others. Today, many MPs get into politics to further their career, rather than for what they can do to repay their community. Today...


With over SEVEN MILLION of us on NHS waiting lists for treatment,  etc., the NHS seems shell-shocked and unable to do anything to improve matters..  If you are on its list if must seem never-ending, and, sadly it seems it is up to us, the patients/victims, to help ourselves, as complacency exhibited by the Minister, Victoria Atkins, and the rest of the Government over these lists beggars belief....

Knowledge and opinions from eminent, helpful professionals

Check out the diary page – read my direct, straight-talking insight into the world after cancer treatment, drawing on my real-life experiences – which are sometimes bizarre!

Many whom you will meet in a medical capacity can be tight-lipped about problems that may crop up.  They may even try and brush them under the carpet, saying “no-one else has reported this”.  I suspect this is because hospitals often don’t have time or staff to deal with them. I have tried to list as many as I came across, together with solutions that might help you.  Look them up under the categories below.

Having fun after cancer is fundamental – for both body and mind. If you can’t laugh I hope this website can be helpful.

cancer recovery

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What an amazingly informative article, thanks! This is so important and the progress that has been made in awareness, education, treatment and overall respect. Please have a look at the link and join us by adding your comment on the tremendous value of pink ribbon campaigns. Keep up the great work and stay well!! Thanks



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