People voting holding ballot box and calling for vote. Group of people for election campaign topic, flat cartoon vector illustration isolated on white background.USE POLITICS TO GET WHAT YOU NEED

Current inhabitants of Whitehall use their offices to feather their nests – so why not follow their example?

Long gone are the days when, after a distinguished career, you went into politics to pay something back, and help others. Today, many MPs get into politics to further their career, rather than for what they can do to repay their community. Today Politicians of all parties are desperate to get going in the next race for Parliamentary seats

So now is the ideal time to use their enthusiasm to become an MP, to get something for YOUR advantage,   Every political party HQs will have hordes of eager workers, aching to start work. Many unpaid, but all willing to work to get experience and set their feet on the bottom rung of the political ladder (99% will  become disillusioned and into another career by this time next year, but that’s another story).

But not to worry, it’s all good experience, and while they are there, YOU can make use of them by using them to lobby for what YOU want;  it could be improvements in local  NHS care, medical equipment needed in your local hospital, or whatever is needed locally in the NHS.
Why not support what your favourite charity wants?
It makes sense to follow what a charity has already started. Joining others makes a powerful voice to get improvements.   On this blog I will feature some who have already set the ball rolling and would welcome support from readers allo over the country.
Your support could be the proverbial straw that gets politicians activated..
Case Study
As a cancer survivor, I was conscious that I was susceptible to osteoporosis;  sure enough, one day my oncologist told me my DEXA scan showed I had developed this.

”What can I do?”  “Nothing”, was his helpful reply.

Of course there was something to be done; first was to join the Royal Osteoporosis Society (ROS), who have successfully campaigned on our behalf, and have new ideas to support.- following are some of their these,  starting with

Contact your MP – current or hoping to be

Remind them Osteoporosis affects 3.5 million people across the UK and costs the NHS over £4.6bn per year. Known as the ‘silent disease’ it causes over half a million broken bones each year—one every minute—and as many deaths, linked to fractures, as lung cancer or diabetes. I have managed to pick up 14. 

Yet, in England and Wales only half (51%) of NHS trusts have a Fracture Liaison Service (FLS), the gold standard for systematically identifying, accessing, and treating anyone who breaks a bone after the age of 50. My last GP said I eas too old to be referred, so I changed GPs and am glad to say I have had a positive interview with the current FLS rep.

However, over 90,000 people are missing out on vital osteoporosis treatment and are at risk of further fractures simply because of their postcode.

The Welsh government recently committed to delivering 100% FLS coverage but it is important to keep up the pressure. The ROS are calling for Westminster to match this commitment in England.

Scotland and Northern Ireland have full FLS coverage in principle but gaps in quality mean that many are missing out on the treatment they need to keep their bones strong.

How do I take action?

The ROS ask you to write to your MP or other elected representative and ask them to join the list of supporters for their Better Bones campaign with the Sunday Express to persuade the four Governments across the UK to improve the population coverage and quality of FLS. They’ve created a template letter that you can use to ask your MP, or other elected representative to support the campaign. 

Template letter

If you live in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland, you can write to both your UK MP and your devolved representative. You can use the same template letter.

Why you need to take action

Parliamentarians, whether in the UK Parliament, Welsh Senedd, Scottish Parliament or Northern Ireland Assembly, all have a significant influence over health policy and priorities.

The more Parliamentarians who support the ROS campaign, the greater the chance of success in improvingf FLS. You can find more information in the ROS’s briefing on the campaign and in the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Osteoporosis and Bone Health’s Inquiry report: How to End the Postcode Lottery for Access to a Quality Fracture Liaison Service. The findings highlight the scale of under-diagnosis and missed opportunities in the NHS, while publishing a blueprint for change.

Breaking the Silence: a Manifesto for a Future Without Osteoporosis lays out what policymakers need to do to improve the future for people with osteoporosis. 

How do I contact my MP?

You can find contact details for your Member of Parliament (MP) here:

If you live in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland you can write to both your UK MP and devolved representative.

Find contact details for your constituency Member of the Scottish Parliament (MSP) here:

Find contact details for your Member of the Senedd (MS) in Wales here:

Find contact details for your Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs) in Northern Ireland here:

What do I do if my MP agrees to support the campaign?

Please let the ROS know if your elected representative is willing to support the Better Bones campaign. You can email [email protected] if you receive any response, or just  let them know you have contacted your elected representative.

If your elected representative is an MP, you can ask them to join the APPG on Osteoporosis and Bone Health to show their support. You can also ask all elected officials to write to the Health Minister, asking what the Government plans to do for osteoporosis and how they will address the policy areas outlined in our manifesto.

Contct ROS

Helpline:  0808 800 0035


Good luck!