The NHS pays over  £12 BILLION a year for private healthcare to reduce waiting lists  The quality of care provided in return for this £12+ billion varies enormously.  With the NHS announcing its App is going to make it easier for patients to book care privately, one...


NHSE (National Health Service Executive) has instructed GPs to avoid hospital admissions for patients this winter. So why avoid hospitals?  Labour commissioned the eminent surgeon, Lord Darzi, to report on the state of the NHS. Sadly, his conclusion  – after...


Content goes here;;;;;;;;;  Is cancer now ‘by Royal Appointment’? Suddenly, our Royal Family is showing the reality that ‘one in two of us will get cancer in our lifetimes’. Cancer is no respecter of birth, or lifestyle, and both  King Charles...

Letter to a newly-diagnosed friend

The club no one wants to join Dear L This isn’t a fun place to be, in fact, it is B……y confusing and scary   You see, there is no typical case, so no one is really able to tell you what is going to happen. The next few weeks you might feel you are on...

Patients have a Champion

At last – someone to fight for us Sometimes, it can feel as if nobody listens to what you say.  Querying my treatment at the Royal Marsden Hospital, the nurse brushed me aside with the comment “you are only a patient”. I found out that doctors and...