Take part in a survey
During lockdown, most of us have been using the Internet, if we haven’t before.
Now, Macquarie University in Australia want to know what people affected by cancer identify as important when accessing online resources provided by non-profit cancer organisations.
During treatment, I would often search on Australian websites, and found any doctors who had worked in Australia always had an excellent grasp of the latest treatment options. Many of us followed the Low-GI diet when drugs sent our weight ballooning, and this was devised in Australia.
Now, Macquaire are carrying out a survey of our use of online resources, including
- cancer Facebook pages
- online cancer communities
- podcasts
- webinars
- videos.
The scope of the study involves an assessment of features that relate to the content, design, and credibility of these online resources. In other words, which source/s did we turn to when we needed to?
They would be very grateful for your participation, either by interview, by completing a survey or both. The interview would be via phone or Zoom (your preference) and would take between 30 to 45 minutes. The survey will take around 15-20 minutes.
The criteria for participation are:
- anyone affected by cancer
- 18 years of age and over
- have used or are still using any of the following online cancer resources: cancer Facebook pages, online cancer communities, podcasts, webinars, and videos
For the survey, please visit the following link: https://limesurvey.mq.edu.au/index.php/425794?lang=en.
If you are interested to participate in the interview, please contact researcher on [email protected].