by Verite Reily Collins | Aug 22, 2022 | NHS
Reiki on the NHS Reiki. is the latest treatment on offer – from Manchester NHS. I’ve tried this therapy, and would agree with protesters that it did nothing for me – except it could provide mental benefits for those on the treatment conveyor belt. As...
by Verite Reily Collins | Aug 19, 2022 | Nutrition, Food & Exercise
Saving Money Currently, I get the feeling that everyone I meet can only think of how to stave off the enormous bills to come – so instead of thinking happy thoughts about what I am going to buy to eat, I peer anxiously into the fridge to see what I can make of...
by Verite Reily Collins | Aug 15, 2022 | Tips & Tricks
“Every little helps” With horrendous bills looming for fuel, food and just about everything, top topic of conversation this winter will be how to save money. For what it’s worth, these are some of the things that ave caught my attention: and possibly...
by Verite Reily Collins | Aug 8, 2022 | News
Choosing the next Prime Minister First, can I suggest it would save everyone’s time and money if, next time, they have to choose a new Prime Minister, they did away with all the time-consuming jiggery-pokery when selecting a new leader? My suggestion is shut all...
by Verite Reily Collins | Jul 26, 2022 | Nutrition, Food & Exercise
Ditch crisps if you are depressed Running for over 25 years, the US internet site Medscape provides health and medical information “intended to improve patient care with comprehensive clinical information and resources”. So ow, when my inbox pops up with...