The NHS in today’s Broken Britain

Getting back to normal – let’s keep ‘new’ NHS care After Sajid Javid’s laest “Rally the Troops” speech to the NHS, I MUST remember to re-double my efforts to tell those still working in the NHS I REALLY, REALLY APPRECIATE YOU!...

NHS should take note of ASCO comments

World hears importance of Exercise for cancer survivors But will the NHS take note as it was singled out for comment? Held every year in the States, the ASCO conference is the biggest and most important get-together of the world’s cancer specialists Last year...

Jeremy Hunt latest

One bottle Fairy Liquid lasts longer than some Conservative Leaders   Does anyone remember Screaming Lord Sutch? Head of the Monster Raving Loony Party?  He had one thing going for him – he was honest enough to admit he was loony, and I am beginning to...

Handling fatigue

For anyone suffering fatigue, the video has ideas on living better with this problem     This video was developed by the Aussies for those of us with polio – but it has  pointers to help understand fatigue, whether it comes from cancer, long- covid or...

Support groups are really helpful

During treatment, I was told about support groups but thought these were for others. Used to raising funds for them, I just thought they weren’t meant for me – until someone pointed out what an idiot I was, and sent me off to experience for myself what...