Our medical notes for sale

NHS Digital re-hashes old scheme  Matt Hancock (left) thinks the NHS should ‘go digital’.  This may be the way forward, but ….  for many it will make the NHS inaccessible. Or, as will happen if a current scheme to digitalise GP records goes ahead, it...


Take part in a survey During lockdown, most of us have been using the Internet, if we haven’t before. Now, Macquarie University in Australia want to know what people affected by cancer identify as important when accessing online resources provided by non-profit...

June food

Summer food When the sun finally appears, no-one wants to waste time cooking big meals when you can be outdoors. Take a tip from the Greeks, Italians and the rest of the Mediterranean, and serve up big platters of cold salads, with hard-boiled eggs,  cold sausages,...

Confused about sun care?

  Sunshine brings worries about skin cancer  In Summer, it’s right to be concerned about avoiding the sun – and its consequences, especially if you are a cancer survivor. And it’s right to be concerned about Moles, lesions etc. on your body as...

May Food

Summer Salads are here! Verité Reily Collins © Tis the season for fresh, crispy salads. Which is a lovely way to eat healthily, lose weight and get a big dose of Vitamin ‘C’. If you are suffering from fatigue, Salads are very ‘accommodating.  They...