Update on the 10 Commandments today

In today’s complex world, when our leaders don’t even know what is the law – or even abide by it – I found this update on the Commandments; it seems to make more sense than rules which change every day.  I quite like Nos. 1 and 3  – to be...

What is going on at your surgery

New ways of working for GP surgeries   Almost certainly, your surgery will be operating very differently this winter, according to The King’s Fund (KF) medical charity,  They have just carried out a survey, and say GPs are  “hedged around with...

NHS wasting our money

Here we go again NHS England is to overhaul the way MRI, CT and other diagnostic services are delivered  ‘They announce One stop shops to be set up away from hospitals, “so that patients can receive life-saving checks close to their homes”. NHE envisage...

Does the NHS get its priorities right?

The NHS runs on forms  The NHS chucked out Heat and other dog-eared magazines lying around in Outpatients, and instead, we occupy our waiting time with a clipboard and form to fill in. Handed to you without a smile; the Receptionist knows what’s on the form, and...

Stop the NHS treatment see-saw

Mental Health v. Cancer Care  Having negIected Mental Health for years, resources are now being thrown at this branch of the NHS.  But will this do any good, or will we find mental health provision is dumped, just like cancer care has been? The NHS is supposedly fair...