I’m dancing around!

Our village postman called up the stairs this morning to tell me he had an “interesting looking parcel for you”. And I was really touched when I opened it, because it was a lovely box of goodies from Lush. Divine smelling bottles of Shower Gel, an...

A Royal Accolade

THIS MESSAGE POPPED INTO MY INBOX We’re delighted to let you know that the National Osteoporosis Society has had a rare Royal title approved by The Queen. We’re therefore announcing our intention to change our name to the Royal Osteoporosis Society in 2019. We...

Being insulted as a cancer patient

As if we didn’t have enough to put up with, NCRI (Nat. Cancer Research Institute) are still calling us ‘consumers’.  This gets my blood boiling.  Yes, I have cancer, but at NO time did I ever pick it or choose to get it. As far as I am concerned a...

Stop at One – for bone health

Warning – cancer treatment comes with risk of osteoporosis Cancer Research UK  say any cancer treatment in women that lowers oestrogen levels can increase the risk of osteoporosis. Treatments include: chemotherapy that caused an early menopause hormone therapy...