Plea for the next Prime Minister

Choosing the next Prime Minister First, can I suggest it would save everyone’s time and money if, next time, they have to choose a new Prime Minister, they did away with all the time-consuming jiggery-pokery when selecting a new leader? My suggestion is shut all...

Who shot the messenger?

What’s happened to Gordon Messenger?  In 2021 General Sir Gordon Messenger was appointed to lead a review of leadership in the English NHS:  since then – your guess is as good as mine as to what has happened. Healthwatch recently commented “In...

NHS should take note of ASCO comments

World hears importance of Exercise for cancer survivors But will the NHS take note as it was singled out for comment? Held every year in the States, the ASCO conference is the biggest and most important get-together of the world’s cancer specialists Last year...

Jeremy Hunt latest

One bottle Fairy Liquid lasts longer than some Conservative Leaders   Does anyone remember Screaming Lord Sutch? Head of the Monster Raving Loony Party?  He had one thing going for him – he was honest enough to admit he was loony, and I am beginning to...

Will ‘lessons be learned’?

People’s COVID enquiry The People’s Covid Inquiry, organised by Keep Our NHS Public, presents their finished report. Last February, in the absence of a formal public inquiry into the pandemic, the Inquiry, chaired by the human rights barrister Michael Mansfield...

Machiavellian manoevres by NHS

Is the NHS following Machiavelli? The way the NHS is tackling their massive appointments backlog reminds me of this scheming Renessaisce Florentine. Probably the nicest things one could say about Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli was he was cunning, scheming, and...