USE POLITICS TO GET WHAT YOU NEED Current inhabitants of Whitehall use their offices to feather their nests – so why not follow their example? Long gone are the days when, after a distinguished career, you went into politics to pay something back, and help...

Exercise for Osteoporosis

The NHS is taking note of Osteoporosis You don’t want more fractures., but exercise helps protect your bones – Tips on staying active safely Osteoporosis is a major cause of disability in older women. and to a lesser extent in men. Having osteoporosis...

Watch out for Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis  Osteoporosis is a medical condition that leads to weakening of the bone structure in your body. The condition makes bone more fragile and increases your chance of sustaining a broken bone. Cancer treatment can make us prone to this disease, so I was sent...

A Royal Accolade

THIS MESSAGE POPPED INTO MY INBOX We’re delighted to let you know that the National Osteoporosis Society has had a rare Royal title approved by The Queen. We’re therefore announcing our intention to change our name to the Royal Osteoporosis Society in 2019. We...

Stop at One – for bone health

Warning – cancer treatment comes with risk of osteoporosis Cancer Research UK  say any cancer treatment in women that lowers oestrogen levels can increase the risk of osteoporosis. Treatments include: chemotherapy that caused an early menopause hormone therapy...

Good news on the sunshine front

If you ever wondered what Vitamin D can do Along comes studies that say it could help prevent certain cancers  As well as sunshine, these foods also provide Vitamin D. A serving of salmon contains about 600 IUs of vitamin D, researchers say, and a cup of fortified...