Our face is seen by the world, so it is normal to worry are we treating it properly? After all, It’s what the world sees first.

  1. As a Beauty Editor, I learnt how to look after my skinfrom the experts.  This came in useful when I was faced with the side effects of drug undergoing cancer treatment.  I learned these basics
  • TONE
  • N.B. only use clean fingers;  hands pick up germs; wash them before touching your face.


When I went to France to sort out skin problems. I was advised to use La Roche Posay (LRP) skincare. French women are very particular about the products they put on their faces, and little girls are taught to cleanse their faces properly, NOT with soap and water (it dries out the skin), but with specially-formulated cleansers.  I was advised to use

La Roche-Posay Toleriane Dermo-Cleanser Sensitive Skin 400ml

LRP Dermo-Cleanser

Click to shop for LRP Dermo-Cleanser

 It’s non-abrasive and doesn’t contain alcohol.                                                                          I slightly wet my face with lukewarm water, then apply a thumbnail-sized dab of Toleriane. and gently massage onto the face with fingertips, using an upward motion.                    Avoid scrubbing: as this can irritate your skin, and pat gently around the eyes – don’t drag – especially down


La Roche-Posay Soothing Toning Lotion 200ml

LRP Soothing Toning Lotion

Click to shop for LRP Soothing Toning Lotion

Toners are a skincare product that can help balance your skin’s PH levels, remove impurities, and hydrate your skin, after cleansing.

    • Remove impuritiesToners can help remove leftover dirt, oil, makeup, and dead skin cells from your skin.
    • HydrateToners can help restore moisture that’s lost during cleansing.
    • Reduce poresToners can help reduce the appearance of enlarged pores.

Now you have prepared your skin – it’s time to put the icing on top with a Moisturiser that will nourish your skin and help it glow

  • Hydrating skin means moisturizers help prevent dryness, which can lead to common skin conditions like acne.
  • Balancing oil production: The right Moisturizer can help balance oily complexions.
  • Reducing wrinklesMoisturizer can help prevent wrinkles and fine lines from forming. Dehydrated skin shows lines more easily, but moisturizer helps plump up the skin.


For the daytime, I use La Roche-Posay Toleriane Sensitive Fluide Moisturiser 40ml

LRP Sensitive Moisturiser

Click to shop for LRP Sensitive Moisturiser


For nighttime, I use La Roche-Posay Toleriane Dermallergo Night Cream 40ml

LRP Night Cream

Click to shop for LRP Night Cream

It’s a small bottle, but packs a punch.


Drink more Water – it’s cheap and we usually need more than we think.  I drink tap water, but many say they prefer bottled.  Either way, it boosts your inner glow, and helps iron out crepey skin on your body, particularly your arms.
At first this routine can seem a bit of a faff – but get into the habit and your improved skin will make it worthwhile.