Can you imagine all the rats deserting sinking political party HQs this week? Serve them right.  Like others, our little patch of endangered Britain finally woke up. In our area, a brand new candidate swept the council cronies off their comfortable seats, delivering a thumping 72% majority for an unknown.  He suppors us in our fight against the Council, who had nodded through plans to build on the Green Belt.  In return we voted for him, hoping he will put in place plans to preserve open spaces we feel should be available for all.

Our local candidate was seen in the villages, handing out large signs to Vote Green.  Suddenly, I noticed there wasn’t one other political poster in our village, only green placards.  I went to bed, thinking  it would take a massive revolution to dislodge the Councillors who had voted to concrete over the land, but half way through the morning my brother phoned me with the stunning news.

Local 72% no-confidence vote shows massive disapproval.  Let’s hope this signals more grass roots rebellion; and for the NHS too. Similarly, they constantly dis-regarding our wishes, but must be made to listen.  It didn’t help when the first letter I open yesterday is a report from a Consultant, saying “Her case has been discussed in our team meeting and there is agreemnt with this line of management”.

Now, I felt strong enough to phone and ask the Consultant to phone me. Full marks to him, he did,  and I was able to say that my appointment didn’t give time to discuss what I wanted.  And then went on to ask important questions for me.  Give him his due, he said my questions were valid and sensible, and gave me sensible and helpful advice.  He now knows in future I DO want to know what’s going on.

Let’s hope Middle Britain is now consulted more often!   We deserve to be heard, so let last Thursday’s local election results show we mean business!