Challenging NHS’s back-slapping

Where the NHS excels Anyone who has attended an NHS conference recently knows you just can’t beat them when it comes to back-slapping and self-congratulation. But here is a video of a brave nurse who stood up to the big chiefs at an NHS Board meeting, and dared...

Why American healthcare costs

Watch out!  Once Brexit is out of the way, the NHS will be looking to privatise more of its services, in an attempt to save money.  Warning bells chime when, in the middle of Brexit, Boris takes time off to fly the Atlantic and meet up with Trump.  This video...

Cancer care shame

It’s official: Britain has possibly the worst cancer care in Europe The NHS tries to claim it’s the “envy of the world”, but recent headlines in the media highlighting official cancer survival rates told the real facts. With the problems we...

This explains all

Oxford Univerity Reseacher explains NHS  Remember Matron? She was the person who managed to run her hospital with an Assistant and a small number of key workers. Today, Oxford University researcher Karl Crawford has come up with an analysis of the current employment...