Founding the NHS

It was nothing to do with Politics Recently there have been claims from politicians that their party was the founder of the NHS.   Politicians are never ones to let a fact get in the way of a speech, but it was actually this man, William (later Lord) Beveridge, a...


Straw Hair As a child, I would shudder when reading the fairy tale story of Strewellpeter, the boy whose hair stuck out all over his head. Thanks to cancer treatment, I ended up looking like his twin sister. Many of us on cancer treatment, drugs, etc. end up with...

More money saving tips

Hunting money saving tips Do I laugh or scream now health concerns are second on my list – or even third – below fuel costs and food? So I am searching around for money-saving tips; kind friends keep sending me ones they have found, and every time I manage...

Winter skincare

When  Winter, chemo and hormone therapy play havoc with skin Is this you in winter?  Hiding spots and rough patches?  With Straw hair that flies all over the place? And Itchy skin you want to hide behind a blanket? AT LAST, oncologists admit cancer drugs can have an...