Handling fatigue

For anyone suffering fatigue, the video has ideas on living better with this problem     This video was developed by the Aussies for those of us with polio – but it has  pointers to help understand fatigue, whether it comes from cancer, long- covid or...

Support groups are really helpful

During treatment, I was told about support groups but thought these were for others. Used to raising funds for them, I just thought they weren’t meant for me – until someone pointed out what an idiot I was, and sent me off to experience for myself what...

Exercise can be best medicine

Exercise keeps us healthy – and Social Prescribing could help Social Prescribing is the new buzz-word going the NHS rounds, and your Surgery should have been inundated with advice on how to offer this. Your GP can now “prescribe” exercise and even subsidized Gym...

American websites

 Jonathan Van Tam recommends an American website – here are others Britain may have set up the World Wide Web – but it has taken Americans to show us the best use of the web for the benefit of cancer survivors.  We all get information about UK websites,...

Easter food

Entertaining made easy  With Easter comng up, and warmer weather making it fun to eat outside, I look for easy recipes that work indoors or out. I used to love entertaining but now find it difficult to lift heavy pans and dishes.  However, for Easter, I’ve...

Returning to work after cancer

The Institute of Employment Studies and Working With Cancer recently published new research revealing the majority of working-age cancer patients say that the mental health impact of their treatment is greater than the physical impact. Apparently, most of us feel...

What’s better in NHS

Some things got better during Lockdown During Lockdown, many Consultants and Nurses were ‘abandoned’ by their hospital admin teams, and left to get on with running their own departments, without the heavy hand of bureaucracy – and didn’t they...

Simple February food

Climatarianism I found this word in one of the Sunday supplements;  apparently, it means ‘eating seasonally, shopping locally, limiting food waste and avoiding plastic packaging. So now you know, if you think like me, there is a name for us! There are lots of...

Will ‘lessons be learned’?

People’s COVID enquiry The People’s Covid Inquiry, organised by Keep Our NHS Public, presents their finished report. Last February, in the absence of a formal public inquiry into the pandemic, the Inquiry, chaired by the human rights barrister Michael Mansfield...