by Verite Reily Collins | Oct 21, 2020 | NHS
New ways of working for GP surgeries Almost certainly, your surgery will be operating very differently this winter, according to The King’s Fund (KF) medical charity, They have just carried out a survey, and say GPs are “hedged around with...
by Verite Reily Collins | Oct 5, 2020 | NHS
Mental Health v. Cancer Care Having negIected Mental Health for years, resources are now being thrown at this branch of the NHS. But will this do any good, or will we find mental health provision is dumped, just like cancer care has been? The NHS is supposedly fair...
by Verite Reily Collins | Sep 24, 2020 | NHS
NHS must re-think the way it works It’s time the NHS realised Cancer Patients are not production-line units whose treatment can be halted at whim, but individuals, doing everything they can to remain healthy. Having canceled cancer care for many, to make matters...
by Verite Reily Collins | Sep 17, 2020 | NHS
Matt Hancock announces more funds for A & E Considering how many cancers are picked up in A & E, it was good news when Hapless Hancock announced to the House of Commons that money is going to be made available to upgrade A & E departments. Only a few...
by Verite Reily Collins | Sep 3, 2020 | NHS
We stood back to help the NHS Now it’s time to restore cancer services After months of going without, cancer patients are losing patience. Doctors say they are worried that many of us are losing out. Currently, over 300,000 have signed a petition set up by...
by Verite Reily Collins | Jul 19, 2020 | NHS
Am I the only patient who has to ‘explain’ clinic letters to my GP? Apparently not. Dr. Morgan, writing in the august BMJ (British Medical Journal) says A BMJ Opinion piece published in 2018 argued that clinic letters should be written “to” patients, not...