Pomposity in Whitehall

Who cares where the money goes?  Or/  Don’t live in a wealthy area Lord Prior of Brampton (above) is current Chair of NHS England. I wrote to him, commenting on a brave Nurse’s challenge over staffing levels – at a back-slapping NHS Executive...

Patients need to take control

With waiting lists getting longer What are we doing about it? YOU can do your bit, help shorten waiting times, and even improve healthcare. As a start, how many genuine patients sit on their local hospital Board? Having sat on several, by-and-large the Patient...

Privatisation rot continues

The privatisation con trick rolls on  NHS chiefs are pushing through plans to let private companies take over scanning services that are vital in treating cancer patients, having told ministers last week that privatisation was harming patient care. Ten years ago I was...

Don’t fob patients off who can help with NHS

Time-wasting exercise? Brace yourselves! Yet another plan is beng hatched by the gurus in the Dept. Health  determined to undermine any slight improvements hard-working NHS staff have managed to sort out.  They just can’t leave well alone, but are about to...