A cream that delivers

HERO CREAM TO THE RESCUE Long-term side effects are something I have learned to deal with.  Doctors would pooh pooh symptoms, and tell me “only XXXX amount of patients get …….whatever I was complaining  about.  But surely, I couldn’t be the...

Confused about sun care?

  Sunshine brings worries about skin cancer  In Summer, it’s right to be concerned about avoiding the sun – and its consequences, especially if you are a cancer survivor. And it’s right to be concerned about Moles, lesions etc. on your body as...

Why shouldn’t we smell nice!

Using Rose and Lavender as antiseptics As if life wasn’t boring enough, we are told to use non-perfumed skincare – in fact many manufacturers make a big thing of their products being ‘non-perfumed’. And how boring that gets! So why not use...