Jewels underline Queen’s message

The Queen sends a subtle message via her brooch.  The Queen often uses a favourite ‘trick’ to send a subtle message;  Her Majesty has an incredible collection of jewellery, and she will pick a certain piece to underline her message when she delivers a...

Post Covid-19, don’t lose changes to NHS

It was scary at first, but …. During lockdown, there have been changes in the NHS – many for the better. “There are fewer meetings…. more focussed and shorter… less red tape and bureaucracy” says Dr. Max Pemberton (left), in the...

Clapping for NHS won’t pay their bills

Clapping comes cheap, and it’s easy to do . What is going to take more effort, and a lot of planning post lockdown is to ensure those on the front line in the current crisis get a well-deserved pay increase. And I don’t mean the Administrators, or hospital...

Life today

Silly me – it’s taken me weeks to realise self-isolation means others protecting me.  And I thought it was to keep me away from infecting them!  One always thinks one is invincible, but I have to realise at 81 with umpteen conditions, I must protect...