by Verite Reily Collins | Oct 14, 2021 | Diary Archive
It’s doubtful that “lessons will be learned” from the cross-party Science and Technology Committee and the Health and Social Care Committee’s latest report. The report focussed on the mega-errors in the Government’s handling of the...
by Verite Reily Collins | Aug 30, 2021 | Diary Archive
The Media is full of shock! horror! stories about GPs now giving consultations on the phone, as though that were a bad thing. Yes, I admit that there are times when you need to see a GP face-to-face, but for someone like myself who finds it difficult to get to a...
by Verite Reily Collins | Jul 26, 2021 | Diary Archive
Freedom Day hasn’t changed much for those of us with cancer problems, and somehow things aren’t clear – friends are still reluctant to join crowds and so am I. We aren’t clear about when and why we should or shouldn’t wear masks; if we...
by Verite Reily Collins | Jun 29, 2021 | Diary Archive
During lockdown, I’ve enjoyed watching old TV series I missed first time round. I remember the days when one was actually out at a party, or having a meal with friends, so missed them first time. Settling down for an orgy of old TV shows, I turned on Yes...
by Verite Reily Collins | Mar 18, 2021 | Diary Archive
Let me be blunt. It’s hard enough handling cancer problems, without having to put up with incompetence from bureaucrats. Paid a fortune, yet they step away from problems without a care for the consequences. I have been trying to get the anti-covid vaccination...
by Verite Reily Collins | Jan 29, 2021 | Diary Archive
When Tony Blair was an aspiring MP, he gave a speech to newspaper Editors about ‘photo opportunities’. Up until that time, no-one had thought much about the science behind these pictures – but he and his team were to suss out every possible...