Larry the Cat for PM

Enough is enough Amongst all the problems one has to deal with around the NHS, one can’t help noticing that there are some Whitehall residents that are doing a very good job.  Would whoever is Secretary of State for Health this week, take note:  Larry keeps his...

Party time again in Downing Street

It’s Party time! Having just got over Partygate, it seems it’s party time again in Downing Street. So now could be a good time to revive Musical Chairs, the game we played as children.  But this time, gather all the many aspirants for party leadership...

Support groups are really helpful

During treatment, I was told about support groups but thought these were for others. Used to raising funds for them, I just thought they weren’t meant for me – until someone pointed out what an idiot I was, and sent me off to experience for myself what...

Am I the only one totally confused?

I used to watch TV news every night – all the way through.  Now, I turn it off after five minutes of watching ranting from a Prime Minister, who seems totally confused and can’t string a sentence together – he has lost me completely.  Covid is...

Latest Covid-19 report

It’s doubtful that “lessons will be learned” from the cross-party Science and Technology Committee and the Health and Social Care Committee’s latest report. The report focussed on the mega-errors in the Government’s handling of the...

GP by phone

The Media is full of shock! horror! stories about GPs now giving consultations on the phone, as though that were a bad thing. Yes, I admit that there are times when you need to see a GP face-to-face, but for someone like myself who finds it difficult to get to a...