by Verite Reily Collins | Sep 29, 2020 | News
NHS plans to ‘improve ‘ A & E Did Dominic Cummings call in John Cleese to advise him on New Deal, the lastest plan to regurgitation old ideas to supposedly paper over cracks in NHS? Dunno – but some bright spark has come up with a super wheeze...
by Verite Reily Collins | Sep 24, 2020 | NHS
NHS must re-think the way it works It’s time the NHS realised Cancer Patients are not production-line units whose treatment can be halted at whim, but individuals, doing everything they can to remain healthy. Having canceled cancer care for many, to make matters...
by Verite Reily Collins | Sep 19, 2020 | News
Doctors told to ‘ditch Latin and use English’ Ever scratch your head trying to understand letters you receive from hospital? Even more of a mystery today, now that it’s difficult to talk to your GP Well, here is an extract from my personal...
by Verite Reily Collins | Sep 17, 2020 | NHS
Matt Hancock announces more funds for A & E Considering how many cancers are picked up in A & E, it was good news when Hapless Hancock announced to the House of Commons that money is going to be made available to upgrade A & E departments. Only a few...
by Verite Reily Collins | Sep 9, 2020 | Post Treatment
At last – a survey that wants YOUR views LifeChamps are carrying out a survey into the health needs of middle-aged and older people with cancer They are appealing for people to take part. And they genuinely mean YOU! LifeChamps is a research study that aims to...