Is Ministry of Silly Walks now running NHS

NHS plans to ‘improve ‘ A & E  Did Dominic Cummings call in John Cleese to advise him on New Deal, the lastest plan to regurgitation old ideas to supposedly paper over cracks in NHS? Dunno – but some bright spark has come up with a super wheeze...

What your doctor’s letter says

  Doctors told to ‘ditch Latin and use English’ Ever scratch your head trying to understand letters you receive from hospital? Even more of a mystery today, now that it’s difficult to talk to your GP Well, here is an extract from my personal...

Money for A & E

Matt Hancock announces more funds for A & E   Considering how many cancers are picked up in A & E, it was good news when Hapless Hancock announced to the House of Commons that money is going to be made available to upgrade A & E departments.  Only a few...

Survey for intelligent patients

At last – a survey that wants YOUR views LifeChamps are carrying out a survey into the health needs of middle-aged and older people with cancer They are appealing for people to take part. And they genuinely mean YOU!  LifeChamps is a research study that aims to...