Avoiding NHS Red Tape

My New Year Resolution is to avoid NHS red tape    A recent Headline in the Daily Mail has inspired me to DO something for my health’s sake. It quoted GPs saying they feel “the gulf between primary and hospital care is harming patients”. At last...

Pain – and ways to help

Good thing to come out of Covid  Thanks to some rather high-profile people catching Covid, which gave them pain in their joints, I found pain reiief for my joint pain has improved remarkably in the past two years.  It’s surprising what can happen when the prime...

British Gas

Energy costs hit the vulnerable   Faced with an unexplained £6,000 bill from British Gas, when Age UK asked me to talk to an APPG about my experience, I welcomed the chance. APPGs (All Party Parliamentary Groups) consist of MPs and Peers from all political...

Strikes won’t cure the NHS

But will Patricia Hewitt improve efficiency? I do wonder who is in charge of today’s NHS?  Ministers seem to be on a merry-go-round producing a new incumbent every month or so. Recently, one of these Ministers set the NHS the tasks of improving obesity figures,...

Larry the Cat for PM

Enough is enough Amongst all the problems one has to deal with around the NHS, one can’t help noticing that there are some Whitehall residents that are doing a very good job.  Would whoever is Secretary of State for Health this week, take note:  Larry keeps his...

Autumn food

10 tips to help keep food costs down Just because we are trying to save money, doesn’t mean we can’t eat healthily.  This means being extra savvy when shopping;  gone are the days of throwing things into the trolley –  just in case – but...

Arbonne again

Fizz sticks help the medicine go down Since winning a lovely selection of Arbonne products in a draw at Maggie’s,                I have been a fan. Recently I noticed they have a new product called Fizz sticks (little sachets containing citrus-flavoured powder...

Founding the NHS

It was nothing to do with Politics Recently there have been claims from politicians that their party was the founder of the NHS.   Politicians are never ones to let a fact get in the way of a speech, but it was actually this man, William (later Lord) Beveridge, a...


Straw Hair As a child, I would shudder when reading the fairy tale story of Strewellpeter, the boy whose hair stuck out all over his head. Thanks to cancer treatment, I ended up looking like his twin sister. Many of us on cancer treatment, drugs, etc. end up with...