Sons and Fathers

Or how politicians have changed in one Generation In days when politicians listened to those who elected them, and were deemed to have ethics, Jim Prior (member for Lowestoft, Suffolk), said “we have a duty, not only in economic terms, but also in social and moral...

Middle Britain shows it is fed up!

Can you imagine all the rats deserting sinking political party HQs this week? Serve them right.  Like others, our little patch of endangered Britain finally woke up. In our area, a brand new candidate swept the council cronies off their comfortable seats, delivering a...

Miracle needed for my face!

I have just realised the Wellness Day I am organising is a few days away.  The idea behind the event is to showcase some of the therapies and products available to help us look and feel better.  I will be welcoming people as they come through the door, but I have done...

Building bridges after Brexit

I am a simple soul.  I expect my elected MP to vote to represent their constitutents’ views.  Nuff said about this week’s performance in Parliament;  instead have decided to make ‘use’ of him. When, yet again hospital transport...

Re-cycling after Christmas

My first Christmas in the country since I was a child produced two delightful surprises.  First one was on Christmas Eve, I had woken up to a painful, puffy eye, the long-term consequences of Tamoxifen treatment which sometimes returns, and had chosen that day to...