Will someone please reign in Bojo

Is the Prime Minister a Bull in the China Shop?   Watching Boris on TV reminds me of the proverbial bull, out of his depth but causing havoc. Hair, eyes and hands flailing around,  Bojo is in full spoilt brat mode, as he announces massive Government expenditure...

Adding to Covid confusion

Months after lockdown started, am I alone in still being confused by Government advice? The once daily Talking Heads performance from Downing Street left me bemused.  Then I get an official four-page letter with the above heading – and I was still confused....

Questions the NHS needs to answer

Why was NHS so unprepared to deal with Coronavirus? The mood in the media is changing.  With lockdown easing, British media has turned from eulogising the NHS, to asking questions about NHS administration and its handling of the crisis. No longer is the NHS regarded...

Clapping for NHS won’t pay their bills

Clapping comes cheap, and it’s easy to do . What is going to take more effort, and a lot of planning post lockdown is to ensure those on the front line in the current crisis get a well-deserved pay increase. And I don’t mean the Administrators, or hospital...

Keep safe whilst shopping

Shopping exposes us to germs Your local supermarket is doing everything possible to keep surfaces germ-free, but it’s other shoppers – and particularly their children – that are scattering these nasties around. Recent research has found that a...