Dr. Max Pemberton writes in the Daily Mail that the NHS needs fixing, and suggests starting with axing managers. And whilst they are about it, please will Physios back me up when I protest that the NHS should stop dumbing down their profession?   Going into hospital...


Magna Carta was debated and sealed,  possibly on the Runnymede meadows near Windsor (left) in June 1215.  This was the first document to put in writing that the King and his government were not above the law. It was designed to prevent the King from exploiting his...


The King is now getting out and about, turning up at the UCH Macmillan Centre,  looking much healthier and happier.  Hopefully his treatment is working. He has obviously listened to his medical team, who probably told him to ignore family members who aren’t...


With over SEVEN MILLION of us on NHS waiting lists for treatment,  etc., the NHS seems shell-shocked and unable to do anything to improve matters..  If you are on its list if must seem never-ending, and, sadly it seems it is up to us, the patients/victims, to help...


Content goes here;;;;;;;;;  Is cancer now ‘by Royal Appointment’? Suddenly, our Royal Family is showing the reality that ‘one in two of us will get cancer in our lifetimes’. Cancer is no respecter of birth, or lifestyle, and both  King Charles...

NHS – stop lecturing us

It’s the sanctimonious attitude the NHS exhibits when you try and find out when will you finally get an appointment, that drives me mad .  Have you noticed recently whenever you phone an NHS number, there is an announcement asking us to treat staff with...

Managing your appointments

Playing the NHS appointments system Recently two senior Consultants told me they don’t expect the NHS to be around in ten years’ time. So I just hope those 7 million plus of us on waiting lists get seen before this happens. Mulling this over, I reflect I...

Letter to a newly-diagnosed friend

The club no one wants to join Dear L This isn’t a fun place to be, in fact, it is B……y confusing and scary   You see, there is no typical case, so no one is really able to tell you what is going to happen. The next few weeks you might feel you are on...


Don’t compromise on Skincare  Today’s medical treatments use strong drugs, which can leave patients with nasty side effects, similar to the left side of this image, and often worse. Skin is our largest organ, but drugs used to treat us can produce nasty...