Revised ‘deaths’

An enquiry has found Jeremy Hunt’s statement to the House of Commons in May that nearly 500,000 women had not been invited for breast camaancer screening, and that 270 may have died needlessly, was based on wrong advice. Thousands of women were rightly concerned about...

Being Curious

I believe it was Einstein who said ‘I have no special talent, I am only passionately curious.’ What’ s wrong with the NHS today?  The old ‘curious’ doctor or nurse seems to have disappeared.  Today, there is a set procedure for treating...

I’m dancing around!

Our village postman called up the stairs this morning to tell me he had an “interesting looking parcel for you”. And I was really touched when I opened it, because it was a lovely box of goodies from Lush. Divine smelling bottles of Shower Gel, an...

Being insulted as a cancer patient

As if we didn’t have enough to put up with, NCRI (Nat. Cancer Research Institute) are still calling us ‘consumers’.  This gets my blood boiling.  Yes, I have cancer, but at NO time did I ever pick it or choose to get it. As far as I am concerned a...

Bleak Outlook for cancer survivors

I sometimes think survivors are mad!   We readily help out with volunteer work and contribute hours to helping prevent others getting cancer,  yet when I ask Cancer Research UK how much of their £600 million+  turnover last year went to help survivors, I was told...