by Verite Reily Collins | Aug 1, 2017 | Diary Archive
My favourite acronym is KISS (Keep it Simple, Stupid). So often during medical treatment I think of this, whilst doctors pull long faces discussing treatment option when you know Granny’s remedy is best. Now, the Grenfell Tower enquiry looks like suffering, as – quite...
by Verite Reily Collins | Jun 14, 2017 | Diary Archive
Oh boy! Next door’s MP for Kensington was ousted by Labour – and this in a previously staunch Tory area. Sadly Victoria Borwick (previous Conservative MP) suffered from Tory arrogance, and voters turned to a hard-working local, Emma Dent Coad (Labour), overturning a...
by Verite Reily Collins | Jun 2, 2017 | Diary Archive
Puzzling day – whom do I trust? Two days ago Swedish doctor who had trained at Karolinska Institute (one of world’s top cancer centres) says my moles should be looked at. Today, see Locum at...
by Verite Reily Collins | May 10, 2017 | Diary Archive
Cancer charities focuss on raising money, often without thinking what we need. Cancer has left me fairly disabled, so I need to work from home. This website semes to have a mind of its own, so thought I would expand it. For the last two months I have been asking for...
by Verite Reily Collins | Apr 26, 2017 | Diary Archive
Bullying is rife – now it’s the Cabinet Office making hospital administrators cancel an important meeting to try and sort out the mess that faces patients needing hospital transport. Yesterday I was phoned to say a meeting planned for this week had been put off until...
by Verite Reily Collins | Apr 7, 2017 | Diary Archive
A Nursing Times investigation reports “thousands of nurses accept payments and benefits from the UK pharmaceutical industry each year, sparking warnings that they should “keep their eyes wide open” in dealings with drugs companies”. I often wondered why I was given...